How Much

Still very reasonable and competitive in the LV Valley

Revised fees effective 01.27.25

We cannot control or remove outdated pricing photos posted anywhere online by former clients or other individuals.

We strive for complete transparency and honesty here on our website and the pricing board on the wall at our front desk.

Pre-Natal or Lymphatic Drainage Massages

30 mins $60

60 mins $80

90 mins $120

120 mins $160

Pre-natal massages not recommended in the 1st trimester w/o MD approval.

Cupping Therapy often accompanies a Lymphatic Drainage massage. Ask your MD if this is appropriate for you.

Foot Only

30 mins $40

60 mins $60

Foot-Body Combo


90 mins $100

120 mins $135

180 mins $200




$90 each 45 min session

Body Only

30 mins $50*

60 mins $70

90 mins $105

120 mins $140

180 mins $210

Body Scrub


Neck, back, shoulders

and arms, legs, feet. An Add-On

to any body massage above

*A quality body massage from scalp to ankles with oils, lotion, hot stones and moist heated towels can't be performed in 30 mins. The 30-min Body massage only covers the back, neck, and shoulders!

A 60, 90, or 120-minute body massage will include the scalp, forehead, neck, shoulders, back, legs, ankles, arms, wrists, hands, and fingers.

A 30 or 60-minute foot massage can be booked separately or in combination with a full body massage. We no longer offer a 30/30 foot-body combo. The 90-minute combo (30 minutes feet + 60 minutes full body) is a very popular choice. Some clients opt for the 120-minute combo or even request a 180.

What's Included & What's an Add-On?

All Full Body Massages


  • Gently warmed US produced high grade mineral oil


  • A mild Tangerine body lotion

  • FREE Hot Stone Therapy (costing up to $20 extra elsewhere)

  • Steamy Moist Towels

  • Complimentary bottle of water

  • A "thanks for visiting" kiss

(Hershey's, of course!)

Essential Oils

$15 Add-On


Smells great and alters your mood. Calm down or perk up with your fruity, sweet, pungent, or spicy choice:





Sweet Orange


Pink Grapefruit






Tea Tree






Our highly exotic Jasmine Oil,

imported from India,

is a $20 add-on


$25 Add-On

Available for foot, body, and combo massages.

Many people report that   CBD massages:

Reduce tension

Decrease chronic pain

Alleviate stress

Stimulate the senses

Improves skin condition

Boosts mood & morale

Alleviates anxiety


Our very strong CBD oil contains NO THC.


Wong To Yick Wood Lock Medicated Oil

$25 ADD-ON

Widely used in Chinese medicine hospitals and martial arts venues, this oil is purported to be even stronger than our CBD oil.

Plastic "Suction" Cupping Therapy

$30 Add-On to any massage

$40 no massage or after

Glass "Fire" Cupping Therapy

$40 Add-on to any massage

$50 no massage or after

Cupping is an ancient form of alternative medicine, rapidly growing in popularity. In this process, the therapist places suction cups on the skin, drawing blood flow to the surface at specific soft tissue areas. This draws toxins to the surface to be excreted from the body more rapidly.

Purported results include a re- duction of inflammation and pain, accelerated body heal-ing, improved skin condition,

fewer migraines, improved immune function, relaxation, & well-being.

Cupping is either done the last 20 minutes of a body massage, or as a 20-minute stand-alone procedure.

All cupping clients sign a release form every time as this procedure has several medical contraindications and vital follow-up precautions to be reviewed and advised.

Foot-Body Combo

Massage Timing

Foot-Body Combos can be scheduled for 90 or 120 minutes.

Unless you ask to reverse the procedure, the LAST half-hour of every combo massage is devoted to a foot massage with heated oil, lotion, and heated moist towels. The rest of the time is devoted to the body. Therefore:

In a 2-hour (120-minute) combo session, the first 90 minutes comprise the body massage with gently heated oils, lotion, FREE Hot Stone Therapy, and heated moist towels. The last 30 minutes is devoted to the feet.

Electronic Multiwave Stimulation

While out of the country visiting family last fall, Jielian, herself required massage therapy and pain relief. She was introduced to an electronic multiwave stimulation device that helped her greatly

after a few sessions. She was so impressed with the process and results, she obtained the device training, purchased a unit, and brought it back to the US for use here in our Las Vegas facility.



Our electronic multiwave stimulation device replicates five different therapeutic modalities. (1) Dispelling cold and tightness in the body, THERMAL ENERGY WAVES warm and vibrate soft tissue and muscles, promoting circulation and cellular healing. (2) MAGNETIC ENERGY WAVES influence cell behavior by provoking electrical shifts within them and around them, helping reduce inflammation, relieving pain, and normalizing metabolism. (3) BIOELECTRIC ENERGY PULSES penetrate deep beyond the surface to help regulate nerves with the potential to relieve pain by actually interrupting pain signals before they reach the brain.

(4) NEGATIVE ION INTRODUCTION helps reduce excess positive ions in the body. Negative ions increase oxygen flow to the brain which in turn improves alertness, reduces fatigue, and enhances mental agility. (5) Deep penetrating DYNAMIC WAVE ENERGY stimulates the body’s own systems to help repair cells. It can help relieve arterial stiffness, improve blood circulation, and increase the flow of lymph for potential detox.

Procedure Overview:

The procedure is relatively painless though clients may experience the temporary discomfort often associated with manual therapy and electronic stimulation. Basically, the client feels short, repetitive electronic pulses or tingles similar to those produced by a TENS unit. Not to be misled, some people refer to this as "shock" therapy as a specific area of the body is targeted for very tiny, controlled electric impulses. The higher the intensity of stimulation, the greater the potential for positive results in the long term. However, the therapist can regulate the intensity up or down at any moment as needed.

Thus, clear and ongoing communication between the client and therapist is vital throughout the session to maximize the effect while avoiding undue discomfort.

Contraindications of Multiwave Stimulation:

The client must not be diagnosed as a diabetic or under diabetes treatment. The client cannot be pregnant or currently trying to become pregnant. The client should not have high blood pressure or be taking any medications for high blood pressure. The client should not have any surgical implants that can be affected by electrical impulses. These include but are not limited to a cardiac pacemaker, pain pumps, respiratory or sleep-inducing devices. Before the session starts, the client must remove all metal jewelry, piercings, and any metallic accessories that can conduct electrical impulses through the body.

 Before the session starts, the client must advise the therapist of any open or seeping body wounds to be avoided during the use of the device. The client should know that this therapy, like any manual therapy, may result in temporary discomfort, soreness, and minor bruising. A waiver form acknowledging these issues must be completed and signed by the client each time the procedure is performed.   

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